Friday, August 9, 2013

Loja, Ecuador!

So the adventure continues as I follow God into Ecuador, la paiz que tiene mi corazon:) I arrived in Guayaquil monday at around one and was picked up by Mark and Nube Vogan.  What I didn't realize is that it is about a nine hour drive from the airport to Loja, the city they live in, so we ended up getting back at around eleven that night.  We haven't had internet until yesterday so i had to wait until now to update.  The Vogans have two kids Timmy (11) and Debbie (9), and they have two little boys that they're looking after, Sammy (3, his mother abandoned him so they've had him since he was a baby) and Mateo (6, his moms in jail).  I have my own room in their house and am helping prepare for the vbs next week. the people here are really nice and I'm getting an ear to hear the Spanish, I've been doing a lot of listening and speaking, it's surprising how much you can communicate even if your grammar isn't perfect haha.
      On Wednesday night I went with Nube to her friends house to drop off some recycling and we ended up praying for a young woman who lives at the house (she works as a maid for the Vogans).  The situation is complicated but there are several family groups living in the house and she works a lot and has two kids.  She is having trouble with her kids not getting fed by the other family members while she is away, and other things like not finding work and her husband treating her unkindly.  Please pray for Monica, I have a heart for her and we will see her every day next week because she comes to the house and I know that God wants to minister love to her (she was abandoned as a child and has self worth issues).  Yesterday we walked in pairs around the village where we will be doing the vbs and invited families to sign up, passing out flyers.  We got about thirty kids signed up and many flyers passed around so hopefully we'll have a lot, I'm excited to see what God is going to do!  
       I will also be teaching English classes next week so pray that God gives me ideas because I haven't done a series of advanced and beginner classes before.

Thank you all for your prayers, more updates to come!



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