We have one week left in Cambodia before we head off to Thailand . So far it has been a very interesting stay here. Last week we went to the drug rehab center on Thursday and Friday morning. Thursday was interesting because the schedule we were given for the program did not end up being followed, so we only did about two things out of the five or six we had prepared. However, despite the miscommunication it was a very rewarding time. English teaching went fairly well, as well as it can go having to prepare something for students I had no idea how advanced they were. It turned out they were more advanced than I thought, but it worked out ok and they responded very well.
It was really encouraging for me to see that the work being done there was really having an impact on the people. I wasn't sure at first if what we were doing was really meaning anything to them, but as we were driving home on Friday we all agreed that these men's lives were touched by the Holy Spirit. When we first arrived I was a bit intimidated by the high cement walls, armed guards, and barred windows throughout the complex. I wasn't sure what to expect; I didn't know if the men we would be working with were responsive, respectful, or even totally present mentally. However, as soon as we entered the "classroom", all of my fears disappeared. I can't explain it exactly, but I felt completely safe there and somehow I knew that they were responding to us and the pastor who works with them on a regular basis. They had a level of joy and peace that one would not expect in a place like that. It was a real joy to work with them, and I am a bit disappointed that we won't be doing any more work there, but I'm grateful for what we were able to do:)
The rest of this week we will continue to work in Bakong with the children and then we leave Monday for Bangkok, from which we will fly to Chaing Mai in Thailand. Thank you all for your prayers, everyone is healthy for the most part now and we've had more connection with the kids we work with in Bakong. We still have three more days there so we're praying for more creativity and inspiration on how to connect and get responses from the kids. One of the biggest things that's come against us as a team is miscommunication. It has been happening with the leaders at the base, people we work with to do ministry, and between us as a team. It's been getting better, but we would really appreciate prayer for clear communication and understanding.
Thank you so much for your support, it means so much!'
Let God will bless you!!!!!