I have been learning more and more about the love God has for His creation, and the depth of His passion for us. He’s helping me to understand that He doesn’t love me for what I do for Him, the way I respond to Him, or even because He sees Jesus in me; He loves me for me. That is what we are on this earth for, to be loved and to love. We are here because God loves us, period. Yes we worship, yes we serve and pray and go to church and evangelize; we do all of the things “good Christians” do, but none of those things are why we are here. Ahgggg, why is that so hard for us to understand? Why is it so hard for me to understand? I want to understand it, I want to know the love God has for me on a deeper level, I want to see myself and those around me the way He sees us; that is just about the most difficult thing to do in a performance-driven world where love and affirmation are earned.

Just ask Him that you want to know His love on a deeper level. He would be more than willing to give you the amount you need at any given point in time. He knows what you need. Receive His love. :)