Oh my how time flies! Weeks turn into days and days turn into weeks, and even when we do have free time it seems to be taken up by all of the seemingly endless things to do: laundry, running errands, straightening up our living quarters, etc. I apologize for the long delay in blogging; I will try to write one at least once or twice a week, although unfortunately I can make no promises as certain weeks can be busier than others.
Anyway, oh where do I start, well for one thing we are all adjusting to the new schedule rather well, although I suspect it will be a couple of weeks before we are completely adapted.
An average weekday for me would consist of waking up at around seven to my phone alarm and slowly walking either to the shower or downstairs to eat breakfast and drink some tea.
By eight we all start our work (“worship”) duties which, depending on the week, consist of cleaning a bathroom or doing breakfast dishes.
By 8:45, Lisanne, Juil, Kelly, Eva and I all grab our coats and head out the door for the ten minute walk to
Eden community church where we have lectures.
The staff will have been there for about 45 minutes already, and we join them at nine.
We usually start out with either intercessory prayer or worship, and then whoever is speaking that week teaches for roughly two and a half hours (with coffee breaks
J) and then we walk back to the Old Vic (the base).
This week Lisanne and I had cooking duty, so we prepared lunch and dinner every day.
We usually have about one hour of free time during the day, but some days it gets taken up by other things and usually is between three and four in the afternoon.
After l unch we have small group where we (Ben, Lucy,
Hannah, and the trainees) come together in the “lounge” and discuss our thoughts on the lecture.
We ask questions and glean from others’ perceptions, which also help us to process what we heard.
Usually two nights a week we have ministry prayer, one night a week is evangelism, and the other two are free.
Weekends are not as structured; we are at liberty to go and do as we like, although Saturday is generally sleep-in morning and Sunday we can go to one of the churches in the area.
That summarizes (roughly) our schedule, although it changes slightly from week to week.
The lectures have been really amazing; this first week was about the nature of God, the character of God, and what it means to really know Him.
David taught all this week, and he put some very thought-provoking questions before us, questions that basically laid out how we view God at our core.
It’s been good to have small groups and such so that we can all process what we are learning, and it also gives us opportunity to support and encourage each other as we draw closer together as a group.
Thank you all so much for your support and prayers, it is much needed and much appreciated!
Blessings to you all,
Love Aubrey
PS Happy Valentines Day!
May you know and receive the love of God for you; you are very precious to Him and He is seeking relationship with you
and all you have to do is say “yes”
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