This is the last update for three weeks because tomorrow we leave for the big C where we will have no communication with the outside world. This week has gone fairly well in Chiang Mai, the Lord has answered prayer by bringing us students to attend our game night, student friends to hang out with, and more energy and excitement. We had some really powerful prayer walks and fun times hanging out with the students and getting to know them.
The heat got worse this week because it hasn't rained too much, which has made it harder to sleep at night and to walk around during the day. It's rained here much more than in Cambodia, which has helped keep the heat down, but some days there weren't any clouds in the sky and the heat was very draining.

It seems strange that there is only 1 month left of d t s, then I'm coming home! I'm really grateful for all that the Lord has done in me, and for the dreams and desires He has given me for the future. So much has changed, and yet it feels so natural to ease into the new things He's bringing to me:) I will post again when we get into Hong Kong, please pray for our safety and unity as a group; we're going into unfriendly territory and God wants to do amazing things but we really need prayer coverage. Thank you so much for your support, it means so much to our team!
Blessings from the Orient,